architecture & interior design

Harvest House

Harvest House

“The end is where we start from” - T.S Eliot

Together with Jansen by ODS, studiofede has been working on a circular pavilion!

Steel profiles are infinitely reusable, transformable and remountable. we developed a reversible modular steel system that is (almost) 100% circular. it can be quickly mounted, used and later on completely disassambled and placed somewhere else!

soon you’ll be able to order your pavilion online and decide how big it should be. we place all the building parts on an electric truck and bring it wherever you want... on a roof, by the beach, at your office! you can build it yourself (with a little help from your friends) or get professional help from us, and enjoy it as long as you want; when you don’t need it anymore you can easily dismantle it and upload it on our international harvest map for someone else that is close to you to rent it and enjoy it somewhere else!

The harvest house’s design is based on a standard sized grid.  Each pavilion has a functional customizable core and can extend on both sides.

The steel structure and facade system can be mounted, demounted and reused together or independently. Their standard sizes makes them easy to reuse Their strenght, light weight and flexibility makes them extremely functional so that we can attach a bookshelf, a desk or even a split level to the facade structure.

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